Ben and I have talking for some time now with Michelle Kremser and the ELTAS gang about offering The Distance Cert IBET to members in Stuttgart. Now we can announce a package has been put together that should be it affordable for fellow English language professionals to access top quality, certified CPD - continuous professional development.
Download the flyer from here to read in your own time about how it will work :
As a quick overview, these are key elements of the hybrid version of TDCI to note:
The first 3 units will be completed in the launch event on Saturday 14th September in Stuttgart (registration details will be available on the ELTAS homepage shortly).
There will be the opportunity for online group coaching sessions along the way.
In March 2025, we plan to hold a second in-person event focused on preparing for the final assignment which is assessed by Language Cert who then confirms that you can be awarded the CertIBET by English UK.
Both in-person events will have the option for online participation.
All German ELTA members can sign up and take advantage of the discounted cost.
Registration is via the ELTAS website: up until 8th September
You can attend the event as a regular ELTAS Saturday workshop participant if you want. (If you then decide to sign up for TDCI, we will deduct the workshop fee from your course payment).
Contact us at with any questions, queries or concerns.